Today i upgraded percona mysql version 5.6.46-86.2 to 5.6.51-91.0.
This was a minor version upgrade for testing purposes and below are the steps i have used on Centos 7.7
Before starting ensure you have a backup of database and backup of my.cnf (db config file).
Install Versions 5.6.46-86.2 on Centos
Before starting install percona repo using yum:
$yum install
To test the repo:
yum list | grep percona
Install Percona Mysql server based on your version requirement as below using yum:
1. yum -q install Percona-Server-server-56-5.6.46-rel86.2.1.el7 Percona-Server-client-56-5.6.46-rel86.2.1.el7 Percona-Server-shared-56-5.6.46-rel86.2.1.el7
the above should run nicely on the server and install the server as per the default setup on centos.
Start the database using service mysqld start
2. Login to the server and create a few database
mysql > create database test1;
mysql> create database test2;
mysql> create database test3;
3. Remove the above installed version using :
yum remove Percona-Server* (this should remove installed version and not the db related files)
4. Install the latest version or required version using below :
yum install Percona-Server-server-56
After successful completion start mysqld service : service mysqld start
This should bring up the service and you should be able to login
mysql > select @@version:
mysql > show databases;
test 2
We have successfully completed minor database version upgrade with this.